Control What Matters

“It’s not your fault.” - GOOD WILL HUNTING

written by Ben Affleck & Matt Damon, directed by Gus Van Sant

(2-minute read)

We all get frustrated for different reasons. For you, it may be that the Entertainment Industry is slow or contracting or whatever is the anger du jour. It might also be the state of the U.S. economy that has you concerned. Are we in a recession? Is inflation ever going to slow down? Did I miss out on a bull market? Why didn’t the P.A. put La Croix in the fridge the night before? Don’t wait until morning! These can all weigh heavily on our minds.


I’m sure we’ve all heard someone tell us to focus on the things we can control. This is good advice. But the brilliant Carl Richards of Behavior Gap puts it another way in this simple sketch. He knows there are certain things that truly matter. He also knows that there are certain things the he can control. Therefore, he tries to focus his energy where those two meet in a Venn diagram.

What matters to you? What can you control? Focusing on that intersection can suddenly make things clearer. If you can control your writing and creativity, then you might find yourself worrying less about the state of the Industry.

I’m not an economist. I have no idea what will happen in the future. There could be a recession. There could also be long-lasting, high inflation. I have no control over that, but I do have control over my savings, retirement plan, and making wise decisions about things that matter to me.

You can still put away money for retirement or a vacation. You can still save money. You can still invest wisely. You can still do these things regardless of what is happening around you.


Maybe this is a trigger warning about the blight of humanity, or maybe this is actually a source of relief, but there will always be something out of your control. It seems there will always be a looming recession. The stock market will probably fall 20% again. The Entertainment Industry will feel like it’s forever changing. We can always find someone or something else to blame. We can always be the victim if we allow it.

But we don’t have to allow it. Focus on what you can control. You can still make good financial decisions that will have a positive impact on your life years from now.

If you’d like more information about making better financial decision, you can schedule a complimentary meeting HERE.

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Fade Out

Greg Vojtanek, CFP®

Greg Vojtanek, CFP® is the owner of Fade In Financial, a fee-only financial planning firm.

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